Thursday, October 8, 2009

Here at Blaque Diamond Fashions we have the philosophy that when you look good, you feel good. With that you radiate a sense of happiness and well-being, and the world sees you as a woman of style and substance. People are naturally drawn to you, they want to be around you and the world opens up.
Style is not defined by name tags or charge cards. Whether you’re a big spender or a penny pincher, everyone has the potential to be stylish. Style is creative and simple. Style is not about the latest designers, seasonal fads or whatever else may be in or out in a fickle fashion movement. Looking great had nothing to do with trends, but EVERYTHING to do with classic lines and flattering fit.
Now… getting dressed in the morning shouldn’t be the MOST important thing you do to start your day… But it should be pretty close to the top of your priority list. Here are a few simple tips to get you on the road to style.
1. INVEST in a full length mirror. It will be one of the best and time honored fashion investments you will ever make.
2. FORGET about the size tags. So many people get caught up in the “number game” that limits their willingness to think outside of the box and experiment wit different shapes. Every designer and manufacturers cut their clothes differently. One company’s size 11 may be a size 9 in another brand.
3. INVEST in a tailor. This is a minor cost that reaps MAJOR benefits. It is better to have only a few clothes that offer an impeccable fit than to have an abundance of clothes that are hit and miss.
Finally, know yourself. Style is all about YOU. So understand yourself, your figure and your face. At the end of the day, ask yourself the following questions and see what you come up with.
What are my three best features?
When I picture myself, what am I wearing?
What are my favorite outfits?
If I should take one woman’s style, who would be?
When people tell me that I look nice, what am I usually wearing?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Everyone has been asked that age old question at least once in their life… What do you want to be when you grow up? Children always fascinate me with their answers. So unassuming and full of enthusiasm. I want to be a Astronaut… I want to be a Lawyer… I want to be a Doctor. But how many of us are actually perusing the goals that we had at that tender age?

Some may dismiss them as childish “fantacies” or determine it a failed effort before they even try. What happened to your optimism? That discouragement that you give yourself only makes you wind up in a job that makes you dread getting out of bed in the morning wandering “What if”. But it wasn’t always this way. What happened? When we were children we knew what our strengths were and we were proud to show them off. But over time that childish enthusiasm fades and your days begin to blur as time progresses. You are your own worse enemy and the only person that’s holding you back is you!

Let’s not get discouraged people because at the end of the day your dreams, goals, and accomplishments may change, but your purpose stays the same.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New or Recycled???

FASHION! Where would we be without it? But is there really such thing as a "new" trend. Fashions is made up of different fads, some lasting longer than others. Tighter, loose, prep, punk or any other "style" that has been worn all over the world...... ALL these trends were established LONG before we "invented" them
We all need to realize that fashion is a never ending cycle that has to come full circle in order for progress to be made. Fashion is one big experiment and it is up to us to find the next big discovery!